Integration of the Qur'an on Indonesian’s Nationalism in Political Islamic Perspectives Mahmud Syaltut and Alı Jınnah


  • Ubaidillah Universitas Islam Negeri Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung
  • Irma Dwi Hartiwi Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
  • Siti Marpuah Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia


Progressive Religious Nationalism, Mahmud Syaltut, Ali Jinnah, Tafsir Al Qur’an


The dialectic of religion and state in formulating nationalism as a national ideology is not only about a matter of religion normatively, but rather as a methodology for understanding Islam as a methodological and dialogical instrument. The resilience of Pancasila as the nation's ideology was born in the nationalist dialectic line of the Middle East to Southeast Asia. So it is undeniable that Pancasila strengthens as the antithesis of the political discourse of world nationality on the one hand and socio-cultural in Indonesia. Mahmdus Syaltut's offer in progressive religious nationalism has given reconsideration in understanding religion in the reality of national politics; it is not only material but a methodological and dialogical framework of thinking in the three paradigms namely religion as logical, analytical, and philosophical thinking through argumentative (Burhan) and undeniable (bayyan). Meanwhile, Ali Jinnah strengthened the function of the unity ummah based on shared universal values ​​in justice, humanity, and civilization which doubted domination and hegemony in the name of the majority. This is where Pancasila manifests itself in the ideology of the Indonesian nation which is unique as well as a projection of humanity, justice, and nationality for humans beyond territorial boundaries then develops and is sustainable.


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