Character Values in Sherlock Holmes Short Stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: A Content Analysis


  • Paula Rahma Khalifatunnisa’ Islamic State University (UIN) of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, English Language and Education Department, Indonesia
  • Susanto Islamic State University (UIN) of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, English Language and Education Department, Indonesia
  • Erna Iftanty Islamic State University (UIN) of Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung, English Language and Education Department, Indonesia

Kata Kunci:

Literature, Sherlock Holmes Short Stories, Character Values, Character, Characterization


English literature, especially detective fiction, and character values are important topics that are interesting to be discussed. Even though detective fiction emphasizes the development of education, morals, values, and innovations, however, it consists of essential values called character values. Character values mean emotional intelligence (EQ) and spiritual intelligence (SQ) in a man, which is associated with a host of values. Therefore, this study aims to investigate character values, how they are presented, and how character values affect characters’ characterization in Sherlock Holmes Short Stories based on the canonical order. The design of the study uses content analysis by Cohen, Manion, and Morrison (2007). The results show that there are 16 character values that are found in Sherlock Holmes Short Stories; the character values are presented based on the object in Sherlock Holmes Short Stories, so some themes are identified; and character values and characterization in Sherlock Holmes Short Stories are related to each other, especially in finding character development.


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